Thursday, May 31, 2012

Castle Danger

Two weekends ago we took a quick trip up to Castle Danger to see Eric's aunt and uncle. We went up on Saturday and spent a little time hiking at Split Rock State Park. The hike was nice, only did 3 miles but the views were amazing! It felt great to be outside and walking in the woods again. After our hike we had lunch out and then spent some time hanging out around the house. Sunday was raining so we headed out early. It was a short trip but it is always good to see Chuck and Ada!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spring Flowers

Just wanted to share some pictures of flowers. I love this time of year when everything starts to bloom. My favorite are the peonies and lilacs. A couple weekends ago I did make a quick trip to the Como Conservatory and they had Dahlias in bloom....made me excited for summer!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This time last Year: April

So this was supposed to be posted back around Easter.....woops!

Over the Easter weekend last year, Eric and I went camping with our friends Michelle & Kelly at Devils Fork State Park. The weather was warm enough to be in swimsuits and we all worked on our tans. This was also the last time we went paddling.... wow! Cant believe it has been a whole year!

This Easter, we spent the weekend in International Falls, MN for Eric's high school basketball alumni tournament. It was cold and raining over Easter weekend.... I was hoping for warmer weather, but April tends to be cold and wet here. We did have a great time seeing old friends and spending time with Eric's sister.

Eric's alumni team won their division beating two of the more recent graduate teams. It was fun to watch Eric play, I had never seen him play basket ball before. Eric also participated in the 3-point challenge, and made 6 3-pointers in one min. While he played I got to talk with the other wives and catch up. After the tournament we had a bunch of his old friends, sister and cousins over for a bonfire to celebrate Eric's birthday - again. It was a really fun night!

Being in I-falls at the cabin for Easter was great, but it would have been even better if we were paddling and soaking in the sun!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A month!?!?

I can not believe it has been a whole month since I have blogged! I am so sorry to be so behind! We have been super busy traveling, spending time with family and planting our veggie garden. I promise to post something substantial soon!