Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 3

Our 3rd Thanksgiving meal was with my parents on Saturday. My mom recently had surgery so I helped out a lot in the kitchen. The food here was very good as well! Luckily I didn't over do it this time. While at my parents, we also helped them with their Christmas tree. My family's tradition is to flock the Christmas tree with fake snow every year. We had a lot of fun flocking the tree and then decorating it. It is also our tradition to have Irish Coffee while flocking and decorating so it was a good time!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2

We had a great Thanksgiving weekends with our families! Since we had Thanksgiving with friends last month this weekend was technically our 2nd & 3rd  Thanksgiving feasts. On Thursday we spent the day at Eric's aunts house where we had 23 people and 5 dogs to hang out with. Some of the girls went for a walk before the big meal while others played some touch football.

Before eating Eric's cousins Drew and Trevor also sang us a unique song they created in honor of Thanksgivings past. Lucky for us, it was filmed and put on YouTube....

The food was AMAZING! We had everything we could have wanted and more. Dessert was also very yummy but I was SOOOO full at the end of the day. This was the first time in a LONG time that most of the family were together for Thanksgiving. It was so much fun to be able to see everyone, play games, and make new memories for next year. Hopefully the cousins come up with a 2nd part to Thanksgiving day song for next year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This time last year: November

This time last year I am sure we were enjoying 50-60 degree days in Athens. This past weekend we had our first significant snow fall here in MN. We got about 2 inches on Saturday and it blanketed the city nicely. I enjoyed watching the snow come down and even ventured outside to take a few pictures....

Last year we were fortunate to have my parents fly down from MN and have Thanksgiving with us in Athens. This year we get to see ALL our families at Thanksgiving! We feel so blessed and thankful to be here this year for the holidays. Our Thanksgiving day will be with my mother in law's side of the family. I think there will be about 20 people at this Thanksgiving day feast! I am contributing sweet potato casserole (thanks to Lynn for her fabulous recipe!) to bring a little southern cookin to the festivities. We will also be having a 2nd Thanksgiving dinner with my parents over the weekend. I am excited to spend significant time with everyone and.... start decorating for Christmas! We plan to get our tree this weekend so stay tuned for more updates!

Until then..... Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Cookie Extravaganza!

Two weekends ago I got together at my MIL's house with some of Eric's cousins and his Aunt to start baking Christmas cookies. Believe it or not but we made almost 1400 cookies. Isn't that crazy! We had a blast making about a dozen different kinds. It was great to spend time with family and learn how to make some of my favorite cookies! For now, the ones I took home are in the freezer waiting for the appropriate time to serve Christmas cookies. I also plan to make some of my own favorites and get together with my mom to make some of hers. What are your favorite Christmas cookies?