Thursday, September 20, 2012

It is already Fall!

We have two more weekends scheduled at the Cabin and they will most likely be too cold to really enjoy the lake by swimming and skiing. We were last at the cabin over Labor Day weekend. I unfortunately was sick for the first full day while we were there but as the weekend went on, I got better! As always, we spent a lot of our time with Eric's family and went water skiing/wake boarding, and the like. I am sad to think that this was probably my last time getting in the Lake. Eric will probably jump in once or twice more but he is crazy!

The secret this summer is......I learned to water ski! I started out about mid summer and over labor day I did a full loop around the bay we are on. I was scared the whole time I was being pulled by the boat. It was such a weird feeling! Of course I don't have any pictures of myself, but once I get one from someone else, I will post them!

We also had a family awards ceremony for the best in water sports! Eric won "best fall" and I won "most determined"! It was a lot of fun and I cant wait to be "most improved" next year!

Its hard to think the Fall is already here in MN. The leaves are turning and I have switched up my wardrobe for the season. I am excited for the change and to hopefully be less busy soon. But I am also going to miss being at Rainy Lake, being on the boat in the St. Croix, and enjoying all the fun things Minneapolis has to offer in the summer.

1 comment:

  1. As crazy as it is, it is really feeling like fall here, too! I've even started wearing my jeans, which I normally wait for much longer to do (they make me feel SO hot!) And the leaves along Prince are already turning colors and even starting to drop. It's unreal what a pleasant month this has been. Hopefully your favorite tree on Prince will be at peak color when you are here for your visit- which is in just a few weeks!
