1. Going to Charleston for Eric's brothers wedding. It will be fun to be at the wedding and have Eric's family all together. PLUS it is going to be much warmer there and we are staying in a rental home near the beach...
2. AND we get to see Michell & Kelly in Charleston! They are going to meet us there and stay with us while we do the wedding thing. Cant wait to see these guys!
3. Spring time in MN. It is short season but I am ready for new leaves on trees, greening grass, spring blooms and warmer days.
4. April. It is always a fun month with our birthdays....Eric is turning 30 and I am turning....
5. Road trip. In April we are also going up to International Falls for Eric's High School Basketball Reunion Games. It will be fun to see old friends and spend time with family!
6. Gardening. We are hoping to get in on a community garden plot near our house. I plan to start some seeds in our apartment since the growing season is shorter in MN. Hopefully we will here more info soon and I will share more.
7. Time. Classes are done in May....this means more time for Eric to work on his dissertation.
8. Vacation. In June we are going to Kauai!! I-cant-wait!!!
9. Clothes. I am ready to wear my Spring/Summer clothes.... I am over my winter outfits!
10. Summer. Before I know it, Summer will be here in MN!
We can't wait to see you guys!