Monday, July 16, 2012

Kauai: Day 6

On our 6th day in Kauai we decided to do another hiking trail. This one is probably one of the most famous hikes on the island. It is at the "end of the road" on the North Shore and it is called the Kalalau Trail. Most people hike 2 miles in and then 2 miles back. This is what we did. BUT, you can also hike another two miles from the beach to a waterfall (this would be an 8 mile hike) or you can get camping permits and hike/camp 11 miles in and 11 miles out (someday I want to do this!!).
We started our hike early in the morning on a mostly cloudy day. Here was our first view of the beautiful Napali Coast - one of many....

The hike went really well and I was super proud of my parents doing 4 miles on a tough trail. Even my mom who had knee replacement surgery less than a year ago was a rock star! The trail follows the side of the cliffs for 2 miles and like I already said.... there are some amazing views of the coast line on this hike.

While we were hiking we were mostly covered by clouds and some sprinkling rain but the sun came out a few times. Since it rained the day before, and was raining a little on the trail.... buy the end of our first two miles our feet were COVERED in mud. It was very slippery but we made it through.

At the end of the 2 miles is a very pretty river and beach to relax at. The ocean water here is VERY dangerous so you can not swim, but it is still pretty to look at. The ocean here is so bad that there is actually a sign posted while notch marks for every person who has died trying to swim here. It is a very persuasive way to encourage people not to get in the water.... worked for me!

After taking a break on the beach we started back on the trail to the end. The hike felt great and there were so many beautiful things to look at, from the coast line, to the mountains, and all the vegetation surrounding us.

After we finished the hike we had a picnic lunch and then enjoyed the afternoon at Ke'e beach (which is where the trail begins). Eric and I snorkeled here a bit before we were too tired to keep going. 4 miles of hiking and an hour of swimming did us in.... so we enjoyed napping on the beach for a while.


1 comment:

  1. I have really loved these posts- they make me want to go to Kuaui! And I definitely think we should go hike and camp at the end of the North Shore trail together some day- how fun would that be!
